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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Video

Do you know what a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is? Watch the video above…Hello my name is Diego Mendez. I am a bankruptcy attorney located in Miami, Florida. I am here to talk about chapter 7 bankruptcy. Chapter seven is a way for you to eliminate credit card debt,...

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Consequences of Credit Defaults

Before mentioning and explaining the effects of the credit default, it is necessary to overview what it means to default on a credit. Credit Default: being in default means that you have failed to make payments on your principal or interest or security when it is due....

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Medical Bankruptcy

If you have accumulated medical bills and you cannot pay them, your medical bills may be discharged. Medical bankruptcy is more common than you may imagine. Medical bills are in the group of debt called unsecured non-priority debt. What is unsecured debt? Unsecured...

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Short Sale vs Foreclosure

The short sale is an opportunity provided by the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) and Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives (HAFA) to homeowners to exit their home and be relieved of the remaining mortgage debt.

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Debt Consolidation vs Bankruptcy

If you are facing financial challenges, it is always a good to analyze the options you have to manage debt.  Debt Consolidation and Bankruptcy are two of the strategies to use when looking for debt solutions.   Below we outline these two strategies so you can...

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