Mortgage Forbearance… Good idea?

A forbearance is an informal agreement between you and the bank where the bank agrees to not collect mortgage payments for a few months and you agree to someday pay these “skipped” payments. In many cases the bank agrees to then consider a payment plan on...

Child Support, Alimony & Bankruptcy

Are you late on Alimony and Child Support Payments? When filing for divorce many people think about the emotional repercussions, when in actuality there are many financial repercussions as well.  Sometimes the financial distress can out weight the emotional distress...

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyer Miami

Learn About Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Hello my name is Diego Mendez. i am a bankruptcy attorney located in Doral, Florida. I am here to talk to you you about chapter 13 bankruptcy. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy is an option for people who do not quality for chapter 7 because...

Are Your Wages Being Garnished?

When we talk about garnishment, we are referring to the legal order given by a court to an creditor or debt collector -individual or business- (the plaintiff), to obtain monetary judgement from the debtor (defendant). The money not always comes directly from the...